Policy Statement of Intent

Acorns is committed to maintaining the highest possible standards of service to children, young people and their families.  We recognise the need for an effective complaints policy and procedure for when things go wrong or users of the project feel that required standards are not being met or they are unhappy about the conduct or performance of staff, Board of Trustees or volunteers.



The Acorns Board of Trustees exists to ensure that the Charity is accountable to its users.  We see complaints as a valuable source of information from users about the quality of services offered.  Therefore, all complaints will be received positively, investigated promptly and confidentially, and responded to sympathetically with action taken, where appropriate, to prevent a recurrence of the circumstances leading to the complaint. Appropriate action will be taken where complaints are found to be malicious.

We wish to resolve complaints at the earliest possible stage and recognise that many concerns can be resolved quickly using a proactive and empathic attitude. Therefore, before the following formal procedure is invoked, informal discussions will normally take place with the complainant and Manager or Chairperson.


1.     Complaint against an employee or volunteer

    • The complaint should be made in writing, marked ‘Confidential’, to the CEO:
        • by email: manager@acornsproject.org.uk
        • by post: CEO, Acorns, 7 Alma Place, North Shields, NE29 OLZ;
    • Initially the complaint will be dealt with verbally, with advice offered as well as an offer of resolution if appropriate. This will be recorded as part of complaints monitoring processes;
    • If this is found to be unsatisfactory or the complaint is not resolved, The CEO with an independent witness (usually a board member) will arrange to meet separately with the complainant and the employee concerned, within five working days where practicable, and in any case within 10 working days. The facts will be recorded in writing;
    • The CEO will produce a written report of the investigation of any evidence within 28 days and inform both parties of the decision;
    • Where the complaint is upheld the CEO will discuss appropriate action with the employee. If necessary, disciplinary action will be taken in accordance with Acorns Disciplinary and Grievance procedures.  The complainant will be notified in writing of the decision and appropriate reparation offered;
    • The CEO will notify the Chairperson of the complaint and the action taken.


2.     Complaint against the CEO or a member of the Board

    • If the complaint is about the CEO or a member of the Board of Trustees then the complaint should be sent in writing, marked ‘Confidential’, to the Chairperson of Acorns at Acorns address see 1a above;
    • On receipt of the complaint the Chairperson and another member of the Board will arrange to meet separately with the complainant and the employee/management member, within five working days where practicable, and in any case within 10 working days. The facts will be recorded in writing;
    • The Chairperson and independent Board member will investigate any evidence and reach a decision and make a written report within 28 days;
    • Where the complaint is upheld the Chairperson will discuss appropriate action with the CEO. If necessary, disciplinary action will be taken in accordance with Acorns Disciplinary and Grievance procedures. The complainant will be notified in writing of the decision and appropriate reparation offered;
    • A report outlining the action taken, but not the detail of the complaint, will be submitted to the next Board meeting.


3.     Appeals Procedure

  • If the complainant is not happy with the decision or action taken, an appeal can be made to the Chairperson. This should be in writing, marked ‘Confidential’ and addressed to the Chairperson at Acorns address within 28 days of the receipt of the written report outlined above;
  • Within 14 days the Chairperson will respond to the complainant. They will then meet with the employee/management member concerned;
  • The Chairperson will inspect all evidence and make a decision within 28 days and will inform both parties of the decision. The decision is final and no further correspondence will be entered into;
  • Where the complaint is upheld the Chairperson will agree appropriate action. If necessary, disciplinary action will be taken in accordance with Acorns Disciplinary and Grievance procedures. The complainant will be notified in writing of the decision and appropriate reparation offered;
  • A report of the proceedings and actions will be made to the next Board Meeting.

At any stage in the procedure the complainant, an employee or management member may be offered appropriate support or advised of her/his rights to seek advice from another source.


4.     Reparation

Reparation may take the form of an apology, written or verbal, from the Manager, the Board of Trustees and/or the member of staff concerned.

Where a member of staff is found to have behaved improperly, the Board reserves the right to invoke the disciplinary procedure.  However, this will be treated as a separate matter from the complaint made by the user, as the objectives of the disciplinary procedure are different.


5.     Supplementary Information

Please see also Acorns Whistleblowing Policy